Friday, January 6, 2017

Crafting Challenge

January's crafting challenge is finishing a project, or starting one you have been putting off.

I have several unfinished projects to tackle and I am going to finish a Boba Fett tunic I have sitting around.

The person it was originally for decided that they wanted something simpler so I'm going to finish it to get it out of "The Stack" and hopefully sell it.

It has just been sitting around requiring applique, side seams, hemming, and a red sash around the middle. I believe I can finish this in about 4 hours, and I'll then post it for sale.

Thursday, January 5, 2017

A year with a Crafter

January is a month of making plans. It's the month that many of us make resolutions and try to start off with a clean slate. It's the month I make a yearly budget, and large goals for the year with measurable monthly steps. My goals are not always serious and one of them is to challenge myself creatively and what I really love is a monthly challenge list. 

This is my list for the year and I ask that if you read my blog that you join me in this challenge. Comment with  what you plan on doing for January and if you have a blog, post about it and add a link to the comments. I would love to see what you are up to!

January –  Procrastination – Finish a project you have been putting off finishing (a UFO or PHD) or make something you have been avoiding starting. 

February – New Skill - Try something new. It can be a new technique that you're interested in, or learning a completely new skill.

March – Useful – Make something that is useful. It can be something for around the house, a piece of clothing, a bag, ect.

April – Gender-Bender – Make an item for the opposite gender. Make something for someone else that does not identify as the same gender as you.

May – Consume – Make something that has a short lifespan. It can be food, face scrubby, ect.

June – Fiber - Fiber arts is such a broad term and this is the month to do anything that uses fiber. Paper making, knitting, crotchet, spinning, ect. 

July – Monochrome – Make anything in black, white, or any shade of grey in between.

August – Color – Make something colorful. Aim for 3 or more colors and make it a complete project. If you spin, spin some yarn and make the yarn into something. 

September – History – Make something with a historical link. It can be something from a historic pattern, a recipe for a historic source, or even a retro costume.

October – Heroes – We all have personal heros. It can be someone who inspires us in our creating, or a personal hero from history. Make something that is inspired by them or reminds you of them.

November – Red – Make something in any shade of red. 

December – You - Make something for yourself. This is the month we usually put ourselves last, but it's good to take time out for yourself.